This Old House

A blessing of old age is lack of schedule. Wake up, when you wake up! And marvel and luxuriate from the vividness of your dreams.

Today, after completing the puzzles, reading the news, a petite dejeuner and a walk, old habits turn to PBS Saturday programs. Woodworking and “This Old House”. I plead guilty to both. In my defense, I did gut and renovate two kitchens. And frustrate my sweetheart when I just didn’t want to do any more – “but you’re so good at it!”

I wasn’t. But it was very comforting to see her in the kitchen window, while busy in my shop. We were, lovers and best friends. It was a matter of trust.

Like the Mock Orange she picked up from the “take me home pile” at Lowe’s and had me plant beneath her kitchen window. Where I found piece of broken glass that gave me a new scar and found a McDonald’s “Yoda” plastic giveaway toy. The Mock Orange bloomed beautifully, the fragrance unmistakable. Drove by recently, after seeing the old house sold for a price I don’t believe. It’s gone now, someone else made a different choice.

And so it goes